Have A Jazzy Friday

Here we are again and yes, I missed last Friday.

But that is not a problem.

As what usually happens with creative people, I have reached a block with:

1) my writing
2) my art
3) keeping up with this here blog

So there is only one thing little artistic me can do.

Create pessimistic, existential comics.

As well as spend hours online, trying to glean some inspiration from others. In all honesty, my time spent online probably is something like this:

Which, with only two weeks left in the summer semester, isn't always the best thing.

But some advice for my fellow creative people:

-Even if you think what you are making is crap, it's not
-Bad stuff = good stuff
-You may discover a new interest in trying to work through your block
-Your frustrations can actually come across as clever in any work you do
-As an artist, you just might develop or pick up a new style, like I have with my little comics and illustrations, while still working through your block with your other art styles
-As a writer, read through material you've already written if you have writer's block. Sometimes, you'll come across something you wrote and say "wow that's really good. I now want to write more"

Creative blocks don't last forever, my friends. So you have an idea for a painting, a novel, or a song, but you feel that your creative block will inhibit it from being what you want? Do it anyway. Paint that portrait. Write that murder mystery. Write that song about your neighbor's strange uncle. You might be pleasantly surprised by the results.

So be bold, my friends, and dare to be you.

Peace out and have a jazzy Friday.


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