
Showing posts from March, 2016

A Matter of Perspective Pt. 1: Conformism and Anti-conformism

Finally, we're actually getting started on this series. So first up is conformism vs. anti-conformism. I actually had a bit of a debate with one of my peers this week on the difference between anti-conformism and nonconformism. First, let's set up some definitions. According to my dictionary, this is the definition of conform: 1 to make similar   2 to bring into agreement   3 to act in accordance with accepted rules, customs, etc. Thus, conformism is the belief in conforming to these accepted rules, customs, etc. This is the definition of anti-conformism: 1 denoting behaviors and actions undertaken by a human being for the purpose of inducing shock or spiting society   2 rejecting adherence to the societal status quo Then, an anti-conformist is someone who doesn't conform to the accepted rules, customs, etc. of society. They are often considered to be individualists. More often than not, they're considered rebels. Often, the term "anti-conformist&

A Matter of Perspective: Introduction

Webster's dictionary defines the word "perspective" as: -the ability to understand what's important and what isn't -point of view -a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something You're probably thinking "why do I need to know this?" Over the past few weeks, I've payed close attention to different conflicts and I began to notice a pattern. It seems that most conflict stems from different points of view, not with ill feelings towards the other person, as you might expect. Of course, there are going to be times when conflict arises from ill feelings, but the everyday conflicts that we experience are surely caused by a misunderstanding or different perspective. During the next few weeks, I will be publishing in-depth reviews of these listed causes of conflict to, hopefully, help you think critically about differences in perspective. What causes this conflict of perspective? There are multiple causes, but for the sake of length,

A Few Things Of Import Pt. 1

This week, my usual inspiration for blogging seems to be lacking in quantity and quality, so I've decided to compile a list of things that are pleasing and important to me (though some might not see them in the same way I do). Though perhaps, this will provide some insight into my personality. -Spending the morning in bed, doing nothing, even though you woke early -Going through racks of clothes at a retail clothes store, by yourself -Long walks in the evening when the sun is setting -The feeling of being lost in the woods -The sound marbles make when they roll across a wood floor -Having a positive mindset, but a slightly dry and negative sense of humor -Sitting in silence with friends and not speaking for hours, just enjoying each others' presence -Sketches done at coffee houses -Rays of sunlight creeping into your room in the early moments of morning -The feeling you get when you walk out of a movie theatre -Dancing around fires -Hastily done watercol

Update: March

I expect this update will be rather short, since not much has changed since February. It was a short month last month and I was mostly focused on my schoolwork, though I still tried to keep up with my resolutions. So let's get those out of the way, first. 1. Utilize my time This one has been harder to keep lately, since my biology class has absorbed most of my spare time. So when I have time when I'm not doing biology, it's spent mostly relaxing, and not doing the most productive things in the world. 2. Organize my life This resolution has been easier to keep. I will admit, however, that I fell behind with using my bullet journal for about two weeks. I've gotten back on it, though, since it is truly useful for keeping track of all my daily tasks. 3. Find balance between what I want to do and what I need to do I will admit that I have been struggling a bit with this lately. When you've got a load of homework to do, what better way to use your t