A Few Things Of Import Pt. 1

This week, my usual inspiration for blogging seems to be lacking in quantity and quality, so I've decided to compile a list of things that are pleasing and important to me (though some might not see them in the same way I do). Though perhaps, this will provide some insight into my personality.

-Spending the morning in bed, doing nothing, even though you woke early

-Going through racks of clothes at a retail clothes store, by yourself

-Long walks in the evening when the sun is setting

-The feeling of being lost in the woods

-The sound marbles make when they roll across a wood floor

-Having a positive mindset, but a slightly dry and negative sense of humor

-Sitting in silence with friends and not speaking for hours, just enjoying each others' presence

-Sketches done at coffee houses

-Rays of sunlight creeping into your room in the early moments of morning

-The feeling you get when you walk out of a movie theatre

-Dancing around fires

-Hastily done watercolor sketches

-Traveling with no destination in mind

-The insistent, hushed whispers of sincere late night talks

-Earth-moving, bombastic rhythms

-Taking time to learn how to be comfortable being in the company of just yourself

-Going to a museum by yourself and spending as much time as you want

-Trying on clothes you have no intention of buying

-Sitting in silence with friends while you each read a different book

(There is pattern in which silence is deemed as important)

A note on this pattern:

Silence is important, though. After all, silence is the tool through which we listen, and listening is one of the most important things we can do. I saw a quote this week (author unknown) that went as such: "The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply". I think that silence can be just as important as noise.

Anyway, back to the list.

-Beat literature and poetry

-Listening to Bob Dylan late at night

-2 o'clock in the morning

-Being unable to stop laughing at stupid things

-A fun, collaborative project to work on with one friend or many

-The sound that a computer keyboard makes when someone is typing really fast

I realize this list could go on forever, so I'm going to end it here. I hope that this might help you to notice some of the smaller details in life. After all, there is beauty in the smallest of details. One just has to be careful not to overlook them.


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