Update: March

I expect this update will be rather short, since not much has changed since February. It was a short month last month and I was mostly focused on my schoolwork, though I still tried to keep up with my resolutions. So let's get those out of the way, first.

1. Utilize my time

This one has been harder to keep lately, since my biology class has absorbed most of my spare time. So when I have time when I'm not doing biology, it's spent mostly relaxing, and not doing the most productive things in the world.

2. Organize my life

This resolution has been easier to keep. I will admit, however, that I fell behind with using my bullet journal for about two weeks. I've gotten back on it, though, since it is truly useful for keeping track of all my daily tasks.

3. Find balance between what I want to do and what I need to do

I will admit that I have been struggling a bit with this lately. When you've got a load of homework to do, what better way to use your time than to sit around and listen to Bob Dylan while sketching? A bit of a digression from the usual productivity, I know, but it's a work in progress.

So now, just an update of life in general.

-Spring break has finally arrived and it will be nice to have a whole week without homework.

-My English class starts right after spring break. Eight weeks classes are the absolute worst.

-I've started art journaling as a way to break the monotony of keeping a regular journal.

-I finished reading On The Road by Jack Kerouac and I absolutely loved it.

-After having not read any of them for a few months, I plan to go back a reread all the Harry Potter books.

I think generally, that's all that's been going on. I know it's a shorter post than usual, but things have been pretty regular. However, I get the feeling that things are going to start really picking up pace quickly, so I'll be sure to keep track of all new updates and exciting events.

Until next time, lovelies, peace.


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