A Matter of Perspective: Introduction

Webster's dictionary defines the word "perspective" as:

-the ability to understand what's important and what isn't
-point of view
-a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something

You're probably thinking "why do I need to know this?"

Over the past few weeks, I've payed close attention to different conflicts and I began to notice a pattern. It seems that most conflict stems from different points of view, not with ill feelings towards the other person, as you might expect. Of course, there are going to be times when conflict arises from ill feelings, but the everyday conflicts that we experience are surely caused by a misunderstanding or different perspective.

During the next few weeks, I will be publishing in-depth reviews of these listed causes of conflict to, hopefully, help you think critically about differences in perspective.
What causes this conflict of perspective? There are multiple causes, but for the sake of length, I've narrowed the list down to a select few:

-Conformism and anti-conformism.

-The difference between the Myers-Briggs preferences: Judging vs. Perceiving.

-Criticism vs. Judgment


-Consideration for different perspectives

These are just a few of the many causes of conflict in any type of relationship, but since this topic is so broad, I will be focusing on causes that I have had experience with. I look forward to sharing this information with you over the next few weeks. Perhaps through this, we'll all learn a little bit more about ourselves.

Until next time, lovelies, peace.


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