
Showing posts from January, 2016

Writing Is Hard

Fun Fact no. 1: I am a writer. No, this doesn't necessarily mean that I spend all my days in a tortured, Edgar Allan Poe type mindset, locked away for weeks, pounding out words on the page (though I have had days where all I did was this). This simple fact just means that I like to think of myself as the literary type. Things aren't usually this simple, though. First, let me get one thing straight. I'm not here to complain about the struggles of writing or the self pity that some writers have. There are legitimate things that make writing a hard thing to do. So often, I'll catch myself thinking about being bogged down in my writing that I can forget why I do it. When this happens, I have to reorient myself, in a sense. It's comparable to when you spend a while in the woods and have to stop to take in your surroundings and figure out where you are. One of the troubles that I seem to face consistently is thinking or reading about writing and not actually doing t

Study: Seeking Attention

I've been doing some thinking recently on the different types of attention seekers, so I thought I'd share these thoughts with you. Note: This is not a rant. This is just an observation First, you have those who like attention and are actively looking for it. These are the ones who generally seek out the real-life attention of others to spend time with them. They're usually not too demanding, and they're more flexible when it comes to others' availability. I've noticed that these people are typically more extroverted and are looking to develop strong friendships with people. However, introverts are often just as eager to make friends, even if they don't outwardly show it. Next, you have the attention seekers. I classify these people as those who want to be noticed in real-life and online. These are the ones who are highly demanding for attention. Often, they'll post selfie after selfie on Instagram without a caption. More often, too, they'll po

On The New Year

So, as a rule, I don't make New Year's resolutions often. However, this year I thought "why not?" and made a few for myself to follow. First and foremost, I made a resolution to stop wasting my time. Last semester was mostly spent sitting around and listening to music and in general, not doing much of anything. As a result, I was usually in a rushed panic trying to get my homework turned in on time. Part of this could be due to the fact that I had yet to learn the value of spending my time wisely, but now that I understand that, I can move on. There are many smaller items on my list of resolutions, but I think most of them will be byproducts of being a productive human being. Second, I decided to make my life more organized. This goes hand in hand with my first resolution, but it doesn't just involve my schedule. Which, has been improved, thanks to a system of journaling known as "Bullet Journaling". All information on this can be found on   http://b