Study: Seeking Attention

I've been doing some thinking recently on the different types of attention seekers, so I thought I'd share these thoughts with you.

Note: This is not a rant. This is just an observation

First, you have those who like attention and are actively looking for it. These are the ones who generally seek out the real-life attention of others to spend time with them. They're usually not too demanding, and they're more flexible when it comes to others' availability. I've noticed that these people are typically more extroverted and are looking to develop strong friendships with people. However, introverts are often just as eager to make friends, even if they don't outwardly show it.

Next, you have the attention seekers. I classify these people as those who want to be noticed in real-life and online. These are the ones who are highly demanding for attention. Often, they'll post selfie after selfie on Instagram without a caption. More often, too, they'll post vague statuses on Facebook in hopes that someone will notice and ask them about it. Usually, these people can be shallow and all they want is a bunch of people to like their selfies or notice them.

Lastly, there are those who want or need some attention, but are either too busy or too scared to look for it. The ones who are too busy sometimes feel that they don't have time to spend with people, even though they would earnestly enjoy going out for a coffee or spending a night in with a friend, watching movies. The ones who need attention, however, are a bit more tricky to define. Sometimes the case may be that they feel they aren't important to many people or that they aren't worthy of people's attention. They may feel like they are cast to the side and that their needs aren't noticed as much as others. Perhaps they're even too timid to seek attention, when all they would enjoy most is someone to just chill with for a few hours.

Overall, as human beings, we all want someone to pay us some attention, so try to seek some! Go out and hang or chill with your friends for a few hours. Send a text to a friend that you haven't seen in a long time and ask them if they want to go out for lunch or something. Just don't be one of those super clingy friends who gets mad if someone's schedule doesn't match up with your idea of availability and you'll do great!


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