Life is Short

_Talk to your friends (talking includes, but is not limited to words)
_Breathe deeply
_Eat things that make you feel good (not people, please)
_Love deeply, unapologetically
_Write. Write things for nobody to read
_Remember, you don't owe anybody an explanation for your existence
_There's always a song for how you feel. If not, write one
_Walk outside, talk to a tree, talk to many trees. The trees will talk if you listen.
_Make friends with one of those trees
_Give it a name. Maybe Bobby. Or Margaret
_The things you do don't always have to make sense
_Remember that the universe is a lot bigger than you
_Wish people a good day and mean it. Really mean it
_Sing loud for the sunshine
_Try new things, even if they’re scary (don’t kill yourself, please)
_Thank the Sun for existing
_Breathe in its life-giving rays
_Remember that every winter must eventually come to an end
_Don't be scared to change as often as the seasons, so long as it's for the better
_Take time to laugh every day. A deep belly-laugh
_Try crazy makeup
_Sing your favorite songs
_Make art. Even if you think your art isn’t “good”
_Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Failure is only the action of giving up, but there is wisdom in knowing when to stop
_Talk about your ideas with other human beings
_Everything is connected through a great cosmic web. Avoid getting stuck in one place and learn how to navigate the threads
_Someone else is awake at night, somewhere. Remember this when you can't sleep and are lonely
_If you think you have nothing in common with anyone in the world, remember, we're all being flung through space on a spherical rock, orbiting around a fiery ball of perpetual nuclear fusion. This is a good place to start
_Drink lots of water
_All those books you haven’t read? Read them
_Remember that nothing is ever as bad as it seems. Things always look darker when you're in the muck and the mire of this great experience we call life
_We each have the capacity, at any moment, to do anything. Choose what you do wisely
_Be kind for kindness’ sake

As we make our way through each day of our lives, these are just a handful of things to do and think about. The world may be burning, but we must not let ourselves be consumed by the flames. We all have to make sure that we still partake in the joys of life. Happiness is manufactured, never found. I hope these words stir some encouragement and boldness as you take your first steps of the day in the morning.

Until next time, I leave you with some parting words from one of my favorite people in the world, John Frusciante:


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