The Beginning

Hey there.  I'm Emma.  This is my first blog post (hopefully soon to be many) and I'm here to tell a little about myself.

I enjoy listening to and playing music.  I play piano and have for nearly three years.  My favorite composers are probably Chopin, Beethoven, Clementi... the list goes on, but I don't want to bore you with my ramblings.

I love the Beatles.  A lot.  As in, I never actually had a favorite band until I became a fan of the Beatles.  Paul is my favorite.

I love Marvel Comics too.  I eagerly await any new Marvel movies with great enthusiasm.  The Winter Soldier is currently my favorite character.

I love art and spend quite a lot of my time sketching, painting, and experimenting with different techniques and materials.

I plan to attend school at the community college this fall.  Two years spent there and I will have an Associate in Arts degree. Then I will transfer to a state university to double major in piano performance and some sort of art degree.

I live in a house that has lots of animals.  Four cats, a chihuahua, a parakeet, and many chickens which live outside. If they lived in the house, that would be pretty gross.

These are just a few things about me.  I can probably list some more things but I don't want to be boring.  Nobody ever wants to be boring.


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