Beautifully You

These days, there's a lot of pressure put on young girls. Advertisements blare from televisions and their phone screens, telling them to have an attractive face and body. In general, expecting them to meet society's expectations. However, this is unrealistic and unacceptable.

Sure, we want to be perceived as beautiful, but what's the point in becoming obsessed with how we look that we forget to be happy and just live?

Fact: Life is short. Shorter than you think and someday, you'll die.

If life is so short, shouldn't we be spending it doing things that we love and spending time with those we love? Perhaps it's a bit of a cliché thing to say, but it's true.

True beauty is measured not in symmetrical facial features or a perfect body, but in our dispositions and our soul. If our hearts show beauty, then it will shine through our faces. Which, reminds me of a quote by Audrey Hepburn.

Throughout history, beauty standards have changed so frequently and consistently and they're only increasing in regularity these days. So does it make any sense to even try to keep up with the changing standards? It's unrealistic and only raises our expectations to extreme heights, only to be let down when we can't compare to the photoshopped and airbrushed models on the covers of magazines.

In today's culture, to simply have the audacity to truly be yourself is considered an act of rebellion. If this is the case, then sure, let's start a revolution. Because it doesn't matter what your face looks like or what size you are. The most beautiful people in the world can be ugly if their attitude is ugly.

(short answer: if your attitude sucks, your face is probably gonna not look so great, now will it?)

Sorry, that was kinda mean.

In the end, it truly doesn't matter what you look like. If you're happy and enjoying life, then who cares? And if a friend makes a remark about you that puts you down, then perhaps it's a good idea to find a new friend. Because nobody needs toxic relationships like that in their life. It's a sad fact, but it's true and important.

Peace out, lovelies.


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