The Descent Into Minimalism

The whole point of minimalism is to only have the things that you need, right? Of course, as humans, we need food, water, clothes, and shelter. However, minimalism shouldn't be seen as trying to survive life on the fewest items possible. Rather, it should be seen as enjoying life by only having the things that we only use and enjoy having.

Throughout the past two weeks, I've been removing the extraneous, in order to make room for what I find to be truly valuable. I even went through my dear books and got rid of several that I had been meaning to read for the past three years. After all, if I had really wanted to read them, I would have already read them, wouldn't I?

Now, I've removed my clothes dresser and put my desk in its place. I now have a useful workplace to do my homework and writing and sketching. I've been through all my old documents and notebooks. Space has been made on my bookshelf for my collection of Volkswagen Beetle models. My desk is always clean and for the most part, the rest of my room.

What I've learned so far about this whole minimalism thing is that it truly makes life simpler. I'm still working through my things to only own the things that I use. All the same, I've gotten rid of a lot of things. It's a work in progress. However, I cannot emphasize how great it feels to own less. It only excites me to think that surely there's more I can get rid of.

I'm sure through the next two months, I'll go through my stuff again. But for now, it's time to rest and enjoy owning less. More time is created by owning less stuff. There's less cleaning when there's less stuff. More time to do things I enjoy. So I'll continue this small journey and see what it has in store.


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